Greater Belfast Mission teams gather for breakfast
The Year of Mission is drawing closer and we continue to prepare with our Mission Breakfasts, the third of which was held Willowfield Church on Saturday 22 November.
Around 170 Mission team members and other leaders from parishes in Greater Belfast enjoyed breakfast before Bishop Ken Clarke hosted an hour and a half of inspiration, ideas and resources. He began by reminding us of the heart of mission and the call upon us as individuals and churches to be upward and outward focused.
Tash Creaney, who has trained our parishes for 24–7 Prayer, shared some ideas around Praying Missionally. She encouraged us to build on our year of 24–7 prayer and move back and forth between the places of intimacy and involvement with a world desperate for an encounter with Jesus.
As with the prayer training, our participants also did a little work, brainstorming around getting our parishes into mission mode and several people shared an idea or event that would be part of their mission in 2015 (above right).
The Diocesan Communications Officer, Annette McGrath, talked the group through some of the resources that the diocese would be offering next year plus a selection of others that have featured throughout the parish visitations.
The final Mission Breakfast is in Seagoe Parish Centre on Saturday 29 November.