It’s the last day of our year of 24–7 Prayer!
Please pray with us in this last day of our Year of 24–7 Prayer. We invite you to take an hour out of your schedule, especially if you’re in Belfast city centre and come along to St Anne’s Cathedral.
You can also sign up online here for a prayer slot or be one of those praying during our New Year’s Eve Celebration which begins at 9.00 pm.
Outside of regular service times, the Chapel of Unity is the specific location for 24–7 Prayer and you may find the prayer stations there helpful.
Throughout the year, our prayer rooms have been places of ‘sanctuary and encounter’ and we trust that you too will find blessing as you set aside time to be in God’s presence.
The last scroll handover L–R: Capt George Newell (Willowfield) hands over to Revd Campbell Dixon (Belfast Cathedral).