The Prayer Scroll comes full circle back to the Dock Cafe
The 24–7 Prayer baton, which started its year–long journey in DOCK Cafe at the stroke of midnight at the start of 2014, is returning for two days (and nights) from 3.30 pm on Sunday 7 December until 9.00 am on Tuesday 9 December.
Talk to anyone who called in for an hour or two during our 24–7 Prayer days at the start of the year and you’ll hear just how profound and peaceful those times of quiet in Dock Cafe were.
The cafe will be filled with creative prayer stations so you can use lots of different senses, styles and subjects when you spend a bit of time with God. You won’t have to do anything weird or uncomfortable or pray out loud. You can call in at any time between the Sunday night service and 9.00 am on Tuesday morning. If you’d like to pick one particular slot, you can check in here or sign up at the service.
During the day when the cafe is open the prayer stations will be concentrated in the Prayer Garden).
This is what it looked like when 24–7 swept through The Dock at the beginning of 2014 – what an exciting opportunity to (nearly) end the year the way we began:
How To Start A Year from The DOCK on Vimeo.