What’s special about Sunday 4 January?
Sunday 4 January 2015 will be Covenant Sunday in the Diocese of Down and Dromore and that makes it a very special day indeed.
It’s a day when we want you to shake off the January blues, join with your church family in worship and give yourself fully to God and his purposes.
That’s a good thing to do at any time, but it’s particularly significant at the beginning of a new year, and especially this year of Mission 2015.
So what should you expect when you come to church on 4 January?
We will be making covenant with God firstly by saying together a wonderful prayer that our brothers and sisters in Methodism use annually. We reproduce it at the bottom of the page with their kind permission.
Secondly, with specific reference to the Year of Mission, we’ll commit ourselves to playing our part using the words below:
‘In this Year of Mission 2015, I willingly take my place within the welcoming, worshipping and witnessing life of this church as we commit to reaching beyond our walls with the good news of Jesus Christ.’
These words will be printed on a small card that you can sign and date and take away with you. All of this will take place within the context of your normal Sunday worship but shouldn’t mean that the Sunday lunch will be overdone!
We hope that you will make every effort to be in church on 4 January. It’s our prayer that as you entrust yourself to God and his purposes you and your parish will experience much joy and fruitfulness.
Covenant Prayer
I am no longer my own but yours
Your will, not mine, be done in all things,
wherever you may place me,
In all that I do,
and all that I may endure;
When there is work for me
and when there is none;
When I am troubled
and when I am at peace.
Your will be done
When I am valued
and when I am disregarded;
When I find fulfillment
and when it is lacking;
When I have all things
and when I have nothing.
I willingly offer all I have and am
to serve you, as and where you choose.
Glorious and blessed God,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
You are mine and I am yours.
May it be so for ever.
Let this covenant now made on earth
Be fulfilled in heaven. Amen