Coming soon, Holy Week and Easter worship resources
Two new worship resources for Holy Week will be launched at the Down and Dromore Clergy Quiet Day on Shrove Tuesday, 17 February.
Bishop Harold Miller has written a worship guide for Holy Week and Easter Day called Week of All Weeks and compiled a prayer book of the same name to be read and used alongside it.
“Holy Week and Easter are the most important days in the Christian year and tell the key story of our salvation, yet it has long troubled me why they don’t have the impact in our churches that they should have,” says Bishop Harold.
“The main reason for writing Week of all Weeks is to enable worship leaders and groups to think through how their celebration of these days might most powerfully and effectively tell the story. Celebrated well and thoughtfully, this week can lead the people of God into the deep joy and privilege of their salvation. I hope that the guide and the accompanying prayer book will be widely used in my own diocese and beyond.”
Week of All Weeks has been some years in gestation and has had the support and interest of the Church of Ireland Liturgical Advisory Committee and Church of Ireland Publishing. The Literature Committee has given a grant to aid publication.
Both books will be available from The Book Well ( after the launch on 17 February and there will be discounts available for bulk orders.
Week of All Weeks: A Worship Guide for Holy Week and Easter Day £5 (€6) each
Week of All Weeks: A Prayer Book for Holy Week and Easter Day £4 (€5) each