Hope Builders team heads for Uganda
Another Fields of Life Hope Builders team has left for Uganda with 3 diocesan clergy and some of their parishioners on board.
The rector of Knocknamuckley, Revd Kilkpatrick, Revd Ken McGrath, rector of Kilkeel and Revd Rab Mollan (NSM) are in the party of 38 drawn from South Down, all the way up to Aghalee, Belfast and the Ards Peninsula. Rab will act as team doctor whilst Alan and Ken will dip into education, building and pastoral roles. Diocesan Lay Reader and Kilkeel parishioner, David Charleton, is the team leader and founder of Hope Builders and is pictured L–R with Ken McGrath and George Webb from Knocknamuckley.
Their destination is Nakansongola, a few hours north of Kampala and the site of a flourishing primary and secondary school complex built by Hope Builders under the auspices of Fields of Life. This is Hope Builders fourth and probably last trip to Bethel Royal School and whilst there they will erect an ‘A’ Level block and a dormitory.
Please pray for the team’s safety and well–being and a truly profitable trip.
You can read the inspirational Hope Builders story here.