New One–Off UK Listed Places of Worship Roof Repair Fund Open for Applications
Grants of between £10,000 and £100,000 are available for urgent repairs to public places of worship across the UK. The funding is intended to ensure historic places of worship can remain open for commemoration, services and other community functions and events.
Organisations and congregations of all faiths and denominations across the UK that are responsible for maintaining and repairing listed places of worship can apply.
To be eligible, applicants must:
Be a formally constituted organisation (governed by a set of rules), such as a Parochial Church Council.
Be responsible for maintaining a place of worship that is listed and used solely or mainly as a place of worship within the UK.
Funding is to be used to help meet the costs of urgent repairs to roofs (eg, coverings, timbers, ceilings and vaults) and rainwater disposal systems (eg, gutters, valleys, hoppers, downpipes, gullies, drains and soakaways).
Some funding is also available to help with the cost of repointing of high level masonry, but only where part of a wider project to repair a roof and where the additional works are necessary to prevent rainwater entering the building.
The repair work must have been identified in a recent professional report as being necessary within the next five years.
The deadline for applications is 30 January 2015 (12 noon).
Awards are expected to be allocated by the end of March 2015. Further information is available