Powerful mission tools from Billy Graham
In 2008 the Celebration of Hope saw Billy Graham’s son, Franklin proclaim the Gospel to over 32,000 people at The Odyssey Arena in Belfast. The celebration was Northern Ireland’s largest evangelistic event since Billy Graham himself preached in 1961. For the event over 380 churches united believing that hope and true peace is possible for all. By the end of the weekend 2,300 people had responded to the invitation to follow Jesus Christ.
My Hope is an exciting initiative to present the Gospel across the United Kingdom. A 30–minute film called “The Cross” featuring Billy Graham has been released in recognition of his 96th birthday. This is being offered, without charge, to churches and groups as an exciting outreach tool in your community. There will be an extensive advertising campaign to raise awareness of this special project and local briefing mornings will be held during February/March.
As you can see from the Council of Reference below, leading Church figures are recommending this excellent resource for use, particularly in the weeks leading up to Easter.
We hope that in this Year of Mission, you will partner with us and we invite you to:
• order “The Cross” DVD by logging on to
• or ask a co–ordinator as named below to do so on your behalf
• view the DVD
• invite and encourage people to attend its showing in your Church and Community
We hope that you will partner with us in prayer that people will understand the message of the Cross and come to Christ.
Follow–up “Living in Christ” booklets will also be available with the DVD. There are no charges.
Norman Lynas
My Hope 2015 Chairman
Pastor Gary Beattie t: 028 9127 1800 e:
Robin Fairbairn m: 07841 469165 e:
Ken Gibson m: 07737 670129 e:
Derek Hunter m: 07866 309048 e:
Steve Wright m: 07710 660464 e: