Anglican–Methodist co–operation plan to be launched at the home of St Patrick
On St Patrick’s Day, the Archbishop of Canterbury and World Methodist Vice President are to launch a publication that aims to overcome centuries of separate ministries of the two Christian traditions.
Archbishop Justin Welby and Gillian Kingston will be in Downpatrick, the home of St Patrick—on March 17 to launch
Into All The World: Being and Becoming Apostolic Churches.
The host on St Patrick’s Day, Rt Revd Harold Miller, was the Anglican Co–Chair of AMICUM.
The report, written by members of the Anglican–Methodist International Commission on Unity and Mission (AMICUM), highlights how Methodists and Anglicans have understood mission. It surveys places around the world where there is already active cooperation, and goes on to provide Tool Kits with practical advice for ways to work together.
Prof Robert Gribben, Methodist Co–Chair of AMICUM said, ‘This Report is the fruit of some twenty years of honest questions and considered responses, built on trust among the dialogue partners, and a practical ecumenical vision for our common mission.’
AMICUM has chosen this location for the launch event to mark the fact that the two churches had taken concrete steps to inter–changeable ministry. These included the mutual laying on of hands at the ordination of the Methodist President, and of a Church of Ireland bishop.
Into All The World: Being and Becoming Apostolic Churches is available from the Anglican Communion Shop at a cost of £10.99, and will also be downloadable as a PDF after the event.