Respond to the Vanuatu Disaster
The people of Vanuatu are reeling after Cyclone Pam brought mayhem and destruction to their Pacific Ocean nation.
Winds of up to 180mph slammed into the 65 islands making up the archipelago, flattening homes, crops and knocking out bridges and roads.
Vanuatu’s president described the damage as ‘unprecedented’ and up to half of Vanuatu’s 277,000 population are estimated to have been affected by the disaster.
Vanuatu is one of the world’s least developed countries and is ranked 121 out of 187 countries on the Human Development Index. Subsistence farming is the main way of making a living for 80 per cent of the population.
Tearfund is sending emergency support through a group of Christian agencies called the Integral Alliance, which are committed to working together when disasters strike. Assessments are underway by alliance member TEAR Fund New Zealand and initial priorities are likely to include drinking water, food and shelter.
If you can help, Tearfund is one avenue for your giving. Click here. And please pray for those on the ground.