• 06 March 2015

Young Christians invited to spend ‘a year in God’s time’

Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby has opened the application process for young Christians around the world to spend ‘a year in God’s time’ at Lambeth Palace in London.

Christians aged 20–35 have the opportunity to spend a year living together as a community inspired by the ancient monastic traditions of St. Benedict, St. Francis and St. Ignatius. They will live according to a shared Rule of Life and follow a pattern of silence, prayer, worship, study and service to the poor.

The Community of St Anselm will initially consist of 16 people living at Lambeth Palace full–time, and up to 40 people, who live and work in London, joining part–time.

Young Anglicans from around the Communion are invited to apply to join the community – with both male and female applicants welcome.

Archbishop Justin Welby, who is the Abbot of the new community, said: “I expect this venture to have radical impact – not just for the individuals who participate but for life at Lambeth Palace, across the Church and in the world we seek to serve. This is what we expect in following Jesus. I urge young people to step up: here is an open invitation to be transformed and to transform.”

The Prior of the community, the Revd Anders Litzell, said “there will be will be sacrifices required. People will need to leave things behind.”

He added: “This is a question of how we can model a life of prayer and deep commitment shaped in the likeness of Christ for people who aren’t going to be monks and nuns, but who want to embody the monastic traditions, who want to draw from those deep wells and live a lifestyle influenced by that spirituality.”

To find out more and apply, visit:


Watch a short video about the project