Archbishop Welby to become patron of CAP
The Most Revd Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury, is to become the first patron of debt counselling charity Christians Against Poverty (CAP).
Since his appointment as head of the Church of England in March 2013, Justin Welby has been outspoken about poverty and, in particular, the availability of easy credit from payday lenders. He made comments about payday lenders, such as Wonga, and his commitment to support the credit union movement and other services helping people out of financial distress.
CAP hosts a network of hundreds of churches tackling poverty and debt in communities across the UK. Archbishop Justin said: “CAP deals in helping people to get free of the prison of debt, and it’s something I feel passionately about.
“They are serious, highly professional, deeply committed and above all they will treat you as a human being of infinite value, loved by God, who just needs some help to find your own way forward.”
Archbishop Justin had his most in–depth, first–hand look at CAP’s work during his tour of the Bristol Diocese in September last year. He visited the Bristol North CAP Debt Centre and spoke with staff and clients about their experiences.
Founder and international director John Kirkby said: “We’re delighted and grateful to have the Archbishop as our first ever patron. This is not something I would ever have imagined when I started all this in my spare bedroom in 1996.
CAP is active in Northern Ireland and, indeed in our diocese with centres in East Belfast (Willowfield), Lurgan (Magheralin & Dollingstown and Shankill) and Bangor (Primacy). Find out more by contacting:
Chris CupplesNI Area ManagerEmail: chriscupples@capuk.orgPhone: 07909230667