Risking their lives to distribute Bibles in Syria
The fear of abduction and death is a daily part of life for Syrian Bible distributor, Gaith (not his real name). Gaith works in northern Syria helping distribute some 250,000 scriptures.
‘Every time we leave our headquarters it’s difficult because we cannot anticipate what we may encounter on the road,’ he said. ‘We don’t know if we will get to our destination or not. When I leave my family every morning, I don’t know if I will see them at night.’
More than 200,000 Syrians have lost their lives in four years of armed conflict. More than 11 million others have been forced to flee their homes, including some 4 million who have left Syria altogether. It is against this background of violence that Gaith and his colleagues distribute Bibles.
‘There is no hope here. People have lost hope… We know of clergymen who take our Bibles into very dangerous situations. Many people… take the Scriptures and kiss it and place it on their forehead as a sign of reverence. Because of this, we are motivated to keep going with our work. It is risky work. But it is our mission. We can do nothing but fulfill it.’
David Smith from the Bible Society in England and Wales met Gaith last week. He said, ‘…he’s the most courageous person I have ever met. People like Gaith risk their lives every day in order to share the Bible.’
Please pray for Gaith and all those like him who step out into the unknown every day, trusting Jesus to guide their steps and protect them. May God’s Word continue to reach people who need the hope of Jesus.