• 29 April 2015

St Dorothea’s celebrates 50 years and looks forward to mission

2015 is a landmark year for St Dorothea’s Church, Gilnahirk. It marks the 50th anniversary of the consecration of the church building and Chapel of the Apocalypse (Lady Chapel) and it is the Year of Mission for the Diocese of Down and Dromore. 

The first few months of this year were crammed with activity to celebrate the 50th anniversary, which fell on 27 March. Firstly the church and Lady Chapel were given a complete redecoration, in order to look their best for the anniversary celebrations. A Flower Festival was held from the 20–22 March to mark the reopening of the church after the redecoration work.

St Dorothea is the patron saint of fruit and flowers and the parish flower arrangers, led by Carol Carlisle and Sheila Hunter, worked so hard to decorate and adorn the church with floral and fruit displays which reflected the differing ministries in the parish among young people and adults.

On the day of the 50th anniversary, a parish celebratory meal was held at La Mon House Hotel, to which former rectors and curates were invited.

On Palm Sunday, 29 March, Bishop Harold led a special Palm Sunday Eucharist at which we gave thanks for 50 years of worship in our beautiful church and Lady Chapel. Local Clergy and church leaders attended the first part of the service to give their greetings before departing for their own worship services. They included Pastor Dave Varney (Gilnahirk Baptist), Susan McFarland, (Braniel Community Church), Revd John Wonnacot, (Braniel Church) and Revd Stephen Moore, (Gilnahirk Presbyterian).

At the anniversary service, the bishop dedicated two gifts made by parishioners to mark St Dorothea’s 50 years: a special anniversary banner to hang on the south side of the church depicting St Dorothea and recording the dates of the church (right), and a specially hand–turned collection plate for use in the Lady Chapel.

After the service Bishop Harold planted a fruit tree in the church grounds to mark the occasion and to remember with thanksgiving all those parishioners who have gone before us and who are now in another place in a different light.

In the evening, the Youth Fellowship held a praise service, notable because 50 years ago, St Dorothea’s hit the headlines in the Church of Ireland Gazette, when guitars and drums were pioneered at evening worship! We may not have hit the headlines this time, but God was praised nonetheless!

Looking forward

We have spent the first months of this year looking back with a great sense of achievement and thankfulness for God’s blessing. Now is the time to look forward, as we engage in the Diocesan Year of Mission. To help us in this task, a special Week of Mission will take place from Pentecost Sunday, 24 May through to Trinity Sunday, 31 May, led by Revd Malcolm Ferry, Rector of St Augustine’s Church in Derry. Through a process of prayer, challenge and renewal, Malcolm will help prepare us for the next 50 years and beyond as we explore ways of being Church for this and future generations.

With thanks to the rector, Revd Nigel Kirkpatrick

Click here to view some more photos of the celebrations.

Former and current clergy of St Dorothea’s, posing with Bishop Harold Miller on the day of the 50th anniversary Eucharist: Revd Elaine O’Brien, Revd Marie Walshe, Revd Canon Ken Smyth, The Most Revd Robin Eames, Revd Canon Tim Kinahan, Revd Nigel Kirkpatrick. (Revd Canon John McKegney is also a former Rector of St Dorothea’s, but was unable to attend that day).