• 08 May 2015

7 Bicycles will transform pastoral ministry in South Sudan

Carryduff parish has developed a relationship with Olo Diocese in South Sudan which has just taken delivery of 7 bicycles.

The Venerable Alex Amvuti, Olo Diocese Development Coordinator, has written to the rector, Canon Stephen Lowry, to share their joy at the recent gift of 7 new bicycles: 

“We, all the Pastors are very happy for the wonderful things which you have done by providing seven bicycles for the Pastor to run the church activities among our local community. Here are the photos of the bicycles and distributed for the top senior Pastors of Olo Diocese, include one female Pastor (sic).”

It isn’t an exaggeration to say that these 7 bikes will transform ministry for the pastors whose only alternative is to travel long distances on foot on rough tracks through the bush.

Please continue to pray for South Sudan, particularly the border areas which are vulnerable to LRA incursions.