A bumper Children’s Praise Party!
Down and Dromore Youth and Children’s Department hosted a bumper Children’s Praise Party on Saturday 16 May with 310 kids and 97 leaders plus volunteers filling St John’s Parish Centre in Moira.
This year’s theme was Get Connected (‘one body many parts’, 1 Corinthians 12) and the speaker was Nick Harding – our guest at the very first praise party in 2012.
Nick is the Children’s Ministry Adviser for the Diocese of Southwell and Nottingham and provides advice, resources, consultation and training to churches on all matters relating to children’s ministry. He is in high demand so we were privileged to have him with us, not just on Saturday but for the whole weekend.
And the rest of Julie’s team? Christine and Mark compered, Laurence lead the worship, Tammi helped us engage in prayer, Tim got messy and Angela was creative with puppets! Thanks to everyone who helped, led or came along and made the day such a tremendous success.
Click here to view a fantastic photo album on Flickr.