Day two at General Synod
There has been plenty of debate at the Church of Ireland General Synod in Armagh with Down and Dromore members contributing once again:
During debate on the RB report around releasing assets for the mission of the church, Basil O’Malley (Dromore) highlighted the level of giving across the Church of Ireland which is, on average, 80 pence or 1 Euro per family per week. “As this bill comes forward may I suggest that we lay people prayerfully reflect on our giving today so that our leaders have the funds and resources to fund the mission of the church.”
Hilary McClay who is a member of the Commission on Episcopal Ministry and Structures, highlighted the urgent need to focus upon and pass on our faith to a new generation. “Those under 30 only make up 28% of those worshipping in our churches today…and that does mean we will have to make a change.”
Linda Gordon (Down) commended the work of the Education Board as it seeks to support Religious Education in our schools
Julie Currie (Down) commended the Children’s Ministry Network resources. “Children and young people are our present. We want to share our living faith with them”.
Bishop Harold greatly welcomed the report from the Commission on Ministry and noted in particular that any self–supporting ministry should fit all types of situations and be applicable in all sorts of ways at diocesan level.
As Chair of the Liturgical Advisory Committee, Bishop Harold also thanked Revd Dr Peter Thompson for his enormous contribution to the production of the ‘Thanks and Praise’ supplement.
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