Moira’s youth fellowship will keep their promises for South Sudan
The Youth Fellowship of St John’s Parish, Moira, recently organised a Fundraising Quiz and Promise Auction Night in support of Ibba Diocese in South Sudan and for youth funds. People bid for “promises” that the young people will carry out, such as lawn mowing, music lessons, babysitting, car washing, etc.
There were also generous prizes donated by local businesses in Moira together with items from members of the congregation, on which people could bid. The auction was managed by parishioner David Johnston who made sure that folk dug deep into their pockets so that everything was sold!
St John’s Parish works in partnership with Bishop Wilson Kamani and Ibba Diocese in South Sudan through CMS Ireland, and there have been exchange visits since 2010. Currently funds are being raised to provide Bishop Wilson with a vehicle for transport in the Diocese which is approximately the same size as Northern Ireland. With dirt roads that often are flooded it is a tremendous challenge for the Bishop to minister to his people living in remote areas.
Simon Henry, Youth Ministry Coordinator, said, “It was a wonderful event and great to see the hall filled with people of all ages, everyone enjoyed a great night’s craic! I was amazed at how much we raised – over £1500. People were very generous.
“A big thank you to all the young people, youth fellowship leaders and others who worked incredibly hard behind the scenes to make the evening such a success in every way. Bishop Wilson knew that the event was happening and was delighted to hear that the young people he had spoken with during his visit in May 2014 had come together to help his diocese in such a practical way.”