Colourful Summer Search out this week
The summer issue of Search, out this week, is something of a new departure for the Church of Ireland journal, including a number of striking colour photos of re–ordered church interiors. Sourced for the recent “Re–pitching the Tent” Colloquium on re–ordering liturgical space led by Canon Richard Giles, the photos hail from the USA, Australia, England and the Church of Ireland, north and south – illustrating articles on recent re–ordering projects.
Pictures from Richard Giles’ major projects in Philadelphia, Perth diocese and Huddersfield illustrate his keynote article, which urges the necessity of re–ordering in the service of mission. Further photos enhance the story of the re–ordering of St Laserian’s cathedral in Co Carlow, as seen by architect Margaret Quinlan and Dean Tom Gordon, with more general reflections from Bishop Michael Burrows. Additional material, both written and visual, from Donaghadee and Down Cathedral adds an encouraging perspective from the northern province.
In addition to the Colloquium material, the summer issue features articles on Bonhoeffer’s 70th anniversary, Christian hospitality, and Preaching in the Trinity season. The recent biography of +Donald Caird is reviewed by +Robin Eames OM.