• 23 June 2015

Hillsborough takes worship outdoors

Hillsborough Parish Church recently hosted a ‘Praise on the Lawn’ service on the church green in front of the Parish. The event was held as part of the Year of Mission, and as a contact event for all members from the different services within the parish. We were blessed with good weather, and we were delighted to see over 250 people, from across the community, come together for a time of praise.

The event kicked off at 3.00 pm with delicious cream teas, which proved especially popular! This was followed by a time of worship, led by the organist, choir and praise band, with songs chosen by different members from all the groups within church. Eight parishioners were interviewed from each of these groups, and were asked why the song they had picked held special importance to them. The result was a wide variety of songs – traditional and contemporary – so that people of all backgrounds and ages were able to join together in worshipping God.

With thanks to Hillsborough Parish