• 24 June 2015

LAMP Family Fun Day in Downpatrick

The Lecale Area Mission Partnership (LAMP), comprising fourteen parishes in the diocese of Down, came together for a wonderful Family Funday at Downpatrick Racecourse on Saturday 20 June. 

Well over three hundred people of all age–groups enjoyed a BBQ, chat in the sun, all kinds of activities for children and brilliant live music courtesy of three excellent young jazz musicians from Down High School. The super–efficient team of cooks, pictured right, were from Seaforde Church and below, Down Parish rector, Revd Stuart Burns, gets a drenching! (Special thanks are due to the Directors of the Racecourse for giving LAMP the venue.)

Also pictured below, the children of Hollymount Church Sunday School and their leaders hold up their prizes after a full and fun Children’s Day service they led on Sunday 21 June.