Church & Society Commission Welcomes Laudato Si and Commends Environmental Charter
The Church and Society Commission of the Church of Ireland (CASC) has welcomed the recent encyclical of Pope Francis, Laudato Si, which addresses environmental issues. The Revd Adrian Dorrian, Chair of the Commission, says:
‘The Pope’s encyclical is a broad ranging piece; one of the key themes is that sense in which our world and our very lives are gifts from God, which must be used well. Alternative energy sources will play a large part in this as we continue to face the challenge of change in climate, as will an “intense” dialogue between science and faith, “fruitful for both”.
‘Perhaps most significantly, Pope Francis frames these environmental concerns as a major issue of social justice. The need to “hear the cry of the earth” is inextricably linked with the need to “hear the cry of the poor”. Justice is at the heart of the Christian gospel; the encyclical affirms that.
‘Another clear message from the encyclical is that the Church through institutional influence and the actions of individual members has a responsibility to engage positively in the world of which we are a part. In May 2015 the Church of Ireland General Synod approved an environmental charter for the Church, which encourages:
Reduction in waste;
Increasing environmental awareness across parishes;
Exercising leadership through environmental responsibility;
Identifying spiritually and practically with the developing world; and
Influencing policy in the Church and State.
‘CASC commends this environmental charter to dioceses, parishes and individuals and affirms the encyclical Laudato Si as a significant document for Christians seeking to engage with environmental concerns.’
The full text of the environmental charter is available at: