Free resources from the Irish Churches Peace Project
The Irish Churches Peace Project was set up by the Church of Ireland, Catholic Church, Presbyterian Church and Methodist Church in Ireland in 2013, with the aim of encouraging churches in local areas find ways to build good relations and peace.
Under the terms of our funding, which has come through the Special EU Programmes Body, we have primarily worked in six areas in Northern Ireland and the Border Region.
During the two years of the project our staff of Good Relations Officers have worked on a wide variety of projects with groups of churches. We have always sought to work in a way which recognises and respects the differences of theology and practice between the various churches, yet which also finds appropriate ways to engage positively and address local issues.
Arising out of our experience we have developed several free resources, which we hope will be helpful to churches after our project finishes in June 2015.
The following gives more details about each resource:
ICPP Case Studies Booklet
These cases studies capture the experience and learning from ICPP’s engagement in peace–building and good relations work with churches. The booklet is divided into three key themes:
• Connecting the Community
• Developing peace building when it is challenging
• Organising joint conferences and events
A Step Too Far
This resource is based on the award winning film “A Step Too Far: A Contemplation on Forgiveness”. The film is divided into three episodes and an accompanying resource provides outlines for three discussion sessions plus an optional final session.
This resource is suitable for use in a wide variety of church settings such as home groups, youth groups, informal services etc.
The Elephant in the Room
This dialogue resource contains six sessions focusing on contentious issues in Northern Ireland, such as identity, parades, symbols etc. An accompanying DVD contains video clips to stimulate discussion for each session.
This resource is appropriate for use with a wide variety of either single identity or mixed groups.
A Cultural Experience and A Cultural Journey
This resource enables local people and migrants to build relationships and explore their various cultures. The series of sessions and events in the resource can help local people understand some of the problems migrants face in adapting to the local culture. They can also help migrants in the process of learning about and adapting to the local culture.
Let’s Talk ‘isms’: Racism, Classism and Sectarianism
There are many projects which work to bring young people from various communities together to build good relations. ICPP partnered with the Ulster Project to develop this resource to encourage the parents of young people engaged in such programmes to explore and address the same sort of issues as their children. This resource addresses the issues of racism, classism and sectarianism.
Go and Do Thou Likewise: Addressing the Legacy of the Troubles
This DVD resource is based on a conference for clergy on addressing the legacy of the Troubles. This was organised by ICPP and clergy in the Mid–Ulster area. The resource booklet provides discussion questions on topics raised in video clips of the main conference speakers on the DVD.
This resource is appropriate for groups of clergy or other church leaders interested in exploring the continuing legacy of the Troubles and the role of churches in addressing the issues.
Dealing With the Past, Shaping the Future
This DVD–based resource contains a number of talks presented at a 2014 Presbyterian Church in Ireland conference. The accompanying booklet contains Bible study notes and discussion questions that may be used in a wide variety of small group settings
Towards Greater Understanding
This four–session series is designed for two or more churches from different traditions in a local area. The first three sessions focus on increasing understanding of each other’s faith traditions. The final session focuses on identifying areas for future co–operation in peace–building in the locality.
Resource Directory
The Resource Directory provides contact details for organisations and individuals who can support churches that are engaging in peacebuilding and good relations activities.