Reflections on my deacon–intern year: Sam Johnston
September 2015 will see the end of my time as a theology student and the beginning of my Curacy at Shankill Parish in Lurgan. I have really enjoyed the last three years at the Church of Ireland Theological Institute, where I have been challenged and stretched.
Through ups and downs, I’ve grown in my faith and feel closer to God. For the last year I have been writing my dissertation whilst serving as a deacon–intern in Shankill. It has been difficult for me to juggle academic writing and pastoral ministry. Whilst I have learned a great deal from completing the work, I am looking forward to being placed full time in the parish.
During my time in Lurgan I have been given the opportunity to take part in a vast range of ministry activities, from home visits to the elderly, to spending time with the youngest children. I have been incredibly blessed by the rector Geoff, the staff team and all the people of the Shankill parish church family. I love the mix of different ages, ministries and worship styles and I am delighted to be staying on as curate.
I realise that moving from deacon–intern to curate will be a big step–up and the closer I get to the transition the more I realise how inadequate I am. But God is good! As I look back over my life I can see He has been with me, and I know that I can trust Him to provide. Please pray for me as I prepare for my ordination and begin my time as curate. Pray that the Father will build me up in the power of the Holy Spirit as I seek to imitate Christ and make him known.