New Seafarers Centre opens in Warrenpoint Port
Seafarers in Warrenpoint Port now have the option of relaxing in a comfortable, welcoming space after Mission to Seafarers NI opened their new facility on 7 August.
Patron, Dame Mary Peters, and Warrenpoint Harbour Board Chairman, Mr Peter Fitzsimmons, cut the ribbon on the transformed former potato inspection shed where seafarers will now be able to use WIFI, watch TV, read and relax. Local Church of Ireland rectors Revd Colin McCormack and Revd Gerald Macartney also attended the opening.
The centre is open 24/7 and reports indicate that it is already being very well used and appreciated. Honorary Lay Chaplain, Johan Temink, along with his assistant, Stuart Cooper, will supervise the facility and make ship visits as part of the practical, emotional and spiritual support that the mission offers to seafarers around the world.
The centre is a tribute to the vision and drive of a large group of people, including the Senior Chaplain, Revd Colin–Hall Thompson, port staff and authorities, and generous help from local businesses and the community. Mission to Seafarers NI is also very grateful to the Shipping Agents for their support in this project and for passing on the information to the crews arriving into Warrenpoint.
Please pray that God will use the centre to help, support and bless the many merchant seafarers who use the port.
L–R: Revd Colin–Hall Thompson, Dame Mary Peters, Robert Ferris (Chairman Mission to Seafarers NI), Peter Fitzsimmons, Stuart Cooper and Johan Temink.