Please pray for those to be ordained
It’s ordination season again. On these significant occasions, please pray for the men and women to be ordained and for the parishes in which they will be placed.
The following deacons will be ordained presbyter/priest by Bishop Harold Miller in Down Cathedral at 4.00 pm on Sunday 30 August.
Sam Johnston (for the curacy of Shankill)
Jim Cheshire (for the curacy of Bangor)
David Martin (for the curacy of Hillsborough)
Catherine Simpson (for the curacy of Seapatrick)
Read reflections from each on their deacon intern year.
The preacher at the service will be this year’s Bible Week speaker, David Parker, who is Senior Pastor of Desert Vineyard, California.
The following ordinands will be ordained deacon to serve as deacon interns on Sunday 6 September at 6.00 pm in St Mark’s, Newtownards.
Suzanne Cousins (Newtownards)
Scott McDonald (Willowfield)
Robert Smyth (Kilkeel)
Colin Taylor (Dromara and Garvaghy)
The preacher at the service will be Revd Dr Brian Fletcher, former Methodist President.