Reflections on my deacon curate year: Jim Cheshire
Following my theological training at Gordon–Conwell Theological Seminary in 2000, my first ministry position was in West Presbyterian Church, Bangor. Imagine my surprise when God called me back to Bangor where my ministry began, following my year at CITI in Dublin last Easter!
Although I came to Bangor Parish with considerable ministry experience, I have benefitted so much from my time here, and have enjoyed many new experiences and opportunities. Perhaps the greatest has been to journey with Revd Nigel Parker and the parish through a time of transition, following the fire in 2012. In the face of such damage, it is truly remarkable what God has done in and through his people in the intervening time. The shell of the building remains the same, but the inside and the people all bear the tell–tale signs that God is not only on the move, but doing something new in Bangor Parish.
During my time here, it’s been a delight to be a part of that ‘new’ thing, and to see how God has been moving in the lives of his people as I have engaged in all aspects of pastoral ministry and church life. In addition to sharing the preaching and teaching ministry with Revd Nigel Parker, it has been a privilege to help head up our pastoral care work and to relaunch our Life Groups, which now stand at the heart of our life and mission. I have also enjoyed overseeing our youth and children’s ministries, our AV team, and our liturgy from week to week, just to name a few responsibilities.
Diane and I can’t wait to see what our wonderful God has in store for this parish in the next years. We’re delighted to be a part of that, as I serve the remainder of my curacy among our new church family.