Reflections on my deacon–intern year: Catherine Simpson
After two years of full time study in Dublin the final year of our training was serving as a deacon intern in a local parish, while at the same time researching and writing a 20,000 word dissertation to complete our academic studies.
After my ordination as Deacon in St Columb’s Cathedral Londonderry on the 31 August 2014, I started serving as Deacon Intern in the Parish of Christ Church, Castledawson in the Diocese of Derry and Raphoe, under the supervision of Revd Colin Welsh.
This year as Deacon Intern was one of great blessing and a year of flourishing, I have been deeply moved by the care, love and welcome I received both within the Diocese, from the Rector and amongst the parish of Christ Church.
During my year in Castledawson It has been a delight and privilege to visit many in their homes, nursing homes and hospitals, to journey with families, reading the Bible and praying together. It is so rewarding to share in the lives of individuals in whatever they are experiencing; from tears to laughter and everything in between. God has answered prayers faithfully and consistently and that is the thread running through my time in Castledawson.
I particularly enjoyed sharing and leading worship. The mix of traditional and more modern worship, the blend of traditional Book of Common Prayer and Praise Services, the blessing of Family Services. I was afforded some freedom to encourage others to take on leadership roles; this included starting Messy Church, a youth ministry program using Youth Alpha, a TTF Club (twenties, thirties and forties fellowship), setting up community links with two schools and being part of a Diocesan sub group preparing material for the Diocesan year of prayer to name just a few experiences I had.
Having completed my year as Deacon I am looking forward to my curacy in Seapatrick Parish, Banbridge. Whilst it may mean more change, when we consider the depth of love, care and kindness that has been lavished on us by God, not only in sending His Son to redeem us, but also in granting us the opportunity to be partners in His Gospel witness, we are assured as Paul writes in Philippians 1:6 ‘he who has began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.’