• 18 September 2015

Week of Mission ‘re–freshes’ Moneyreagh Community

As part of Mission 2015 and our ongoing mission in Moneyreagh, we adopted the theme of ‘Refreshing’ for a week of FREE focused events within our community during the last week of August. New students to university usually have a ‘Freshers’ week, so we as a church decided to present the hope of the gospel to our community in a ‘Fresh’ way that would ‘Re–Fresh’ their lives. 

As we planned and prayed for our mission we were drawn to the promise that Peter presented to those who had rejected Jesus in Acts 3:19–20: Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, and that he may send the Messiah, who has been appointed for you—even Jesus. Our computer browsers also have a refresh button for when things get mucked, slowed down and frozen. When pressed we get a new page, a new start. Then we came across the promise of restoration to the Israelites in Jeremiah and this became our core verse…Jeremiah 31:25: I will refresh the weary and satisfy the faint.”

When the plan for mission was presented to our church (nearly 2 years old now), we were thrilled that approximately 45 volunteers of all ages grasped the vision and wanted to help. 

This was a different type of Mission week than I would have been used to. In my younger days ‘Mission’ meant a big tent in a field with gospel meetings every night! This was different. We built relationships through free events and food, we shared laughter together and in a few cases had an opportunity to pray with those who were weary and faint.  We shared the reason for the hope within us. 

The Programme

We began on Monday 24 August with a ‘MAN night’…this was basically a youth club for men…with activities, games, a remote control car course and food!  We had an amazing night with men from the community of all ages enjoying the rivalry and fellowship. We even had stalemate in a chess match between the TUV and Conservative party!! 

On Tuesday we had a ‘ladies night’ of Line Dancing, which I’m reliably informed by my wife was a great success with loads of laughter, food and new friendships.  

On Wednesday night we had a family walking treasure hunt and BBQ with over 80 from the area turning out for the competition. We had a great range of prizes very kindly donated by ‘We Are Vertigo’.  

Thursday night was our Tea Dance, at which, due to circumstances beyond our control, I ended up as the DJ…however there was loads of fun and laughter with one younger lady even bringing her own dummy to dance with! 

Friday was our youth evening, where the youth in the community got to try out some of the activities for the Fun Day, including the very popular remote car course from the man night. During the week, a very simple message of the gospel was presented, sometimes in words but mostly in actions. All of our volunteers were reminded of the words of St Francis of Assisi…’Preach the gospel always, and sometimes use words’.  

Everything then pointed to Saturday, and first up was the Family Fun Day. This was an amazing afternoon of BBQ, bouncy castles, games and face painting and even a visit from the Bishop, who turned out to be very competitive! In the evening we had our main ‘Gospel Rally’ if that’s what you call it…for us it was simply our ‘Refresh Community Service’. It was great to see many people return for this lighthearted service with games, puppets, food, and a message of hope! 

Finally, on Sunday morning, it was amazing to see so many people packed in for our Sunday thanksgiving Bacon Buttie Service – over 80 in all. This panicked the staff a bit at the centre who so wonderfully managed to get more tables and chairs in for us! 


God has not only ‘refreshed’ the people we came into contact with, he has refreshed those who volunteered and helped. So, apart from flooding the village with loads of packets of ‘Refresher’ sweets, we hope and pray that more lives will be refreshed and renewed through Jesus. 

See more photos here.

I’d like to offer a special word of thanks to all of the volunteers and especially to our ‘Community Pastor’, John Beattie, who brought it all together.

Revd Mervyn Jamieson

(Minister in Charge)