A busy week of mission on the Ards Peninsula and over £700 raised for Tearfund
The ‘Rosemount Ramble’ followed Sunday’s United Healing Service, held in St. Saviours, Greyabbey – the first in a busy week of mission events and services on the Ards Peninsula.
Walkers of all ages from The Grouped Parishes of Greyabbey & Kircubbin with Ballyphilip & Ardquin rambled their way round the beautiful Rosemount Estate (below) and raised over £700 for the Tearfund Syria Appeal.
70 people from the churches had a very enjoyable Fellowship Meal in Harrison’s, Greyabbey on Tuesday evening with speaker ‘Spud’ Murphy from CVM Ireland whilst Thursday night is the Ladies’ Pamper Evening with a message about inner beauty as well as outer.
On Saturday, the church at Ballyphilip, Portaferry, will host the ‘Encounter Youth’ event for young people of secondary school age and upwards. Meanwhile, the younger kids haven’t been forgotten as earlier in the week Group Rector, Revd Gill Withers, invited local primary schoolchildren to explore the church buildings with a special treasure hunt.
Special guest, Dean Raymond Ferguson, is also with the parishes on three evenings as they explore their mission statement together:
To know Christ in our heartsTo share Christ with our neighboursTo be Christ in our community