• 21 October 2015

Keep praying for our parish missions

Lots of parishes have already had a focussed time of mission in 2015 and there others still to come in October and November.  

Please keep these next times of mission in your prayers.

Willowfield 10 Day Mission from 16–25 October

10 days of mission at Killaney and Carryduff from 16–25 October

‘Recharge’ Mission at St Donard’s, Bloomfield, 17–25 October

The Big Festival For You at Harvest, Magheralin and Dollingstown, 21–25 October

Kilwarlin Mission from 21–25 October with Revd Richard Espin–Bradley. The events will take place in both churches and St James’s hall.

St John’s Newcastle Month of Mission with guest preachers at 11.00 am each Sunday.

And in November…

Why God? at Knockbreda Parish, 13–22 November