• 14 October 2015

Mission events in Garvaghy and Belvoir

The parish of Garvaghy held two events last month as part of the diocese’s Year of Mission.

The first was a “Barn Style Harvest” when round 80 people gathered for worship and food. After the Revd Charles Harris spoke, a fine stew supper was served and entertainment was provided by “Housty”. It was a tremendous evening despite the very wet night.

A tea party was held near the end of September and attracted 60 people from the local area around Garvaghy and Waringsford as well as the church members who ran the event. Mrs Beth Cheney gave a presentation called ‘The Parable of the Cake Stand’ when, in the process of actually making a cake stand, she explained our need to have God at the centre of our lives.

Belvoir also held their ‘Celebrate!’ Mission Weekend in September which began with breakfast on Saturday morning when Revd Brendan McCarthy related the story of a ‘failed again’ Christian.. under the title ‘Confessions of a Vicar’.

The weekend continued with a Celebratory Service, BBQ and Fun Day on Sunday afternoon and ‘Songs of Praise’ with stories of faith in the evening.