Bangor parishes will be at the heart of Columbanus 1400 Festival
Bangor’s commemoration of the 1400th anniversary of the death of Columbanus will come to a climax over the weekend 20 to 22 November and our parishes will be right at the heart of the programme.
The Columbanus 1400 Festival opens with the now–traditional Journey of a Single Day concert in Bangor Abbey on the evening of Friday 20.
On Saturday 21 there will be a series of free talks by noted experts on the subject of Columbanus together with story–telling and song for the younger audience. St Columbanus, Ballyholme, will be the morning venue and St Comgall’s, Brunswick Road, will host the afternoon talks.
Saturday evening sees a concert of music of the time, together with new settings of texts by Columbanus himself. This takes place in First Bangor Presbyterian Church.
Bangor Abbey will be the venue on Sunday afternoon for the first performance in Northern Ireland of a new work telling some of the Columbanus story in words and music.
Finally, the festival reaches its conclusion on Sunday evening with a United Celebration in the Abbey at which the preacher will be former Church of Ireland Primate, Lord Eames, who began his own ecclesiastical journey as Curate in Bangor Parish.