• 09 December 2015

Mount Merrion Parish opens a garden for the whole community

Mount Merrion Parish, on the edge of Belfast’s Cregagh Estate, has opened a Community Garden next to the church. The garden is part of its vision to play an active part in the life of the local community and to care for the well–being of all who live nearby. 

In consultation with local residents, school and community representatives, the congregation identified the need for a place where people could stop and rest. It was also felt that the provision of raised planters could provide the focus for an allotment type project where residents could gather to grow their own produce, learn about healthy eating, and do life together.

Thanks to funding from the Alpha Programme and the support of Mel Waddell from Groundwork NI, this dream has become a reality and the church has turned an under–used area of land into a relaxing seating area, with the planters located at the rear of the building. 

On a blustery day at the beginning of December, many of those who had supported the project joined with trustees of the Alpha Programme to watch Bishop Harold cut the ribbon and formally open the garden to the public. Thanks were expressed to Ross Burns who designed the garden, Michael Pollock from Beechill Landscapes who managed its creation and the funders and local people for all their support.

The sundial plinth is in memory of Mike Hillock’s grandfather, the first gardener to tend the church grounds. Pictured right with the bishop and Adrian, Mike’s family are going to donate a new sundial for the plinth as the previous one was stolen by vandals many years before.

“The Alpha Programme is delighted to be involved with this project,” said Mel Waddell, from Groundwork NI. He continued, “The Alpha Programme has supported a wide variety of environmental projects through the Landfill Tax Scheme and the Mount Merrion Community Garden is one that certainly captures the imagination. The funding has helped to transform derelict, waste pieces of ground into community assets and undoubtedly it will get more people actively involved in gardening and also more people learning to grow a variety of fruit, herbs and vegetables in the new raised beds.”

DUP Councillor Tommy Sandford and Alliance Counsellor Carole Howard attended the event and said in a joint statement that they “welcomed the opening of the new Mount Merrion Community Garden.” They went on to say that, “The garden had the support of the community and would benefit everyone from the local area.”

One local resident said that everyone will benefit by having a tranquil area to sit and relax, whether they are visiting the Remembrance Garden, pausing as they travel along the avenue, or simply wanting somewhere to chill.

The garden is always open and all are welcome to stop and sit a while. The church is planning to launch the allotment project in the spring of 2016 and more details will be announced in the New Year.

Pictured at the top of the page, L–R: Mel Waddell (Senior Project Development Officer at Groundwork NI), Cllr Tommy Sandford (DUP), Rt Revd Harold Miller (Bishop of Down & Dromore), Revd Adrian Green (Mount Merrion Church), Mr Michael Pollock (Director at Beechill Landscapes), Cllr Carole Howard (Alliance).