Holy Land Pilgrimage – booking closes soon
If a Holy Land pilgrimage is on your ‘must do’ list, why not make it happen in 2016? There’s still time to book with a group led by one of our clergy, Revd David Humphries, rector of St Molua’s, Stormont.
David has been leading pilgrimages since 1995 and, in conjunction with McCabe Travel, offers you the chance to meet the people of the Holy Land and see the places frequented by Jesus during His earthly ministry.
Here are some of the memories shared by previous pilgrims:
“Just to have been in the Holy Land is a moving experience that brings the Bible to life in a way no simple words or pictures ever could.”
“I was deeply touched at the Garden Tomb, the Shepherds’ Field and on the Sea of Galilee in a storm.”
“My first impression of Jerusalem was of a noisy, bustling, dirty city, but through the Damascus Gate and into the walled city is the real Jerusalem. Hiving with people, small narrow streets and alleyways; little shops selling everything under the sun, and the smell of spices, herbs and coffee.”
“Little churches celebrating events in the life of Jesus, visiting church of all kinds – some simple and quiet, some ornate but all built to the glory of God.”
“Walking up the Kidron Valley after a sandstorm, discovering Absalom’s Pillar, being on the Sea of Galilee and having Holy Communion beside the sea.”
It’s a 10 day trip and this year’s departure date is 24 May. Booking closes at the end of January. David can be contacted through McCabe Travel of London (020 8675 6828).