Cathedral Junior Girls’ Choir makes its evensong debut
The St Anne’s Cathedral, Belfast, Junior Girls’ Choir sang Evensong for the first time on Friday March 11.
The girls, whose ages range from 6–11, sang the opening plainsong responses, a form of ‘Magnificat’ and ‘Nunc Dimittis’ as well as an anthem and a hymn.
There was a good attendance of parents and friends at the service.
The Dean of Belfast, the Very Rev John Mann, said: “This was an important moment for the 20 young girls, all from the three Cathedral Choir Schools, and they responded well to the challenge.
“Thanks to Thérèse, who directed, and Anna and Aoife, who supported them and to Ian on the organ. It was a most encouraging service and we hope that we will hear more of them as the months pass and that some of the girls will find a place, after audition, in the Senior Girls’ Choir.”
The Cathedral Choir School project teaches choral singing daily in three north Belfast primary schools, Sacred Heart, Edenbrook and Cliftonville Integrated.