• 17 March 2016

St Patrick is for everybody

Margaret Ritchie MP, who represents South Down is a regular visitor to our St Patrick’s Day Festival Service. In wishing everyone a happy and harmonious St Patrick’s Day from Down Cathedral, she said:

“For us, Patrick has always been the epitome of reconciliation and the building of that shared society. Patrick pre–dated our ancient squabbles. He belongs to everyone and I believe we should be out today celebrating him – in a Christian sense – but also in the wider community social sense.”

Mrs Ritchie believes that St Patrick’s Day should be a Public Holiday and has tabled an Early Day Motion in Westminster to that effect. If it is selected in the ballot she will go on to table a Private Member’s Bill. Watch this space!


Professor Brian Walker,a parishioner in Down and Dromore, and Dean Henry Hull were part of a discussion about the inclusivity of St Patrick’s day on BBC Radio Ulster’s Good Morning Ulster. You can listen to the item at this link. Go to 1:53:43. (Available for 7 days.)