Bishop of Clogher Elected President of Irish Council of Churches
The Bishop of Clogher, the Rt Revd John McDowell, has been elected as President of the Irish Council of Churches (ICC) for 2016–2018. The election took place at the ICC’s 93rd Annual Meeting at Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin,on 7th April and Bishop McDowell will be assisted by the Revd Brian Anderson as Vice–President. Mr Anderson is currently the President of the Methodist Church in Ireland.
Bishop McDowell said: ‘I am very honoured to take up this role at a time of great challenge and opportunity for the Churches in Ireland. In doing so, I wish to thank the Past President, the Revd Dr Donald Watts, and outgoing Executive Officer, Mr Mervyn McCullagh, for their leadership and hard work in refreshing and enhancing the work of the ICC. I look forward to helping to develop and provide a voice for Ireland’s Churches to connect through a common belief in Christ over the next two years.’
The meeting reviewed the ICC’s work in recent years including the Irish Churches Peace Project and its engagement with government on welfare reform, climate justice, marriage legislation and the integration of migrants and refugees. The Council reaffirmed 10 commitments which included a recognition and appreciation of cultural and ethnic diversity as gifts of God, working towards inclusive communities, and co–operation with migrant–led Churches and chaplaincies in providing pastoral care and support to migrants.