Successful seminars on church building maintenance
The Dioceses of Down & Dromore and Connor have hosted two very successful half–day seminars on the topic of church building maintenance.
Approximately 150 people representing 74 parishes attended the free events hosted on Wednesday 13 April in Antrim Parish and repeated the following day in St John’s Moira (pictured).
The aim was to promote understanding of the statutory and Church of Ireland procedures for managing and approving alterations and repairs. The seminar looked at maintenance issues and typical defects noted during the last round of Quinquennial Inspection, and considered some of the remedies.
Speakers included the Diocesan Surveyor as well as architectural heritage specialists from the NIEA and the Ulster Historic Churches Trust.
Diocesan Secretary, June Butler said she was delighted with the events which, judging by the positive feedback, had been very worthwhile.
Pictured below L–R: Caroline Maguire (Conservation Architect, DOE), Primrose Wilson (Ulster Historic Churches Trust), Trevor Stacey (RCB’s Head of Property and Trusts), June Butler (Diocesan Secretary), Archdeacon Roderic West and Chris McCollum (Chartered Surveyor).