A Praise Party ‘Out of the Box!’
This year’s Children’s Praise Party was truly out of the box! Moira parish Centre was inundated with children from all over Down and Dromore as just under 300 kids and 90 leaders packed into the halls for 3 hours of non–stop activity.
Lynne Gibson (Assistant Chaplain at The Hub at Queen’s) spoke about stepping out and doing something for God. Using Peter the disciple as an example, Lynne and her ‘volunteers’ dramatized the story using cardboard boxes!
Peter’s faith and trust in Jesus helped him to do something amazing; he stepped out of the boat and walked on water. The children learned that when Peter kept his eyes fixed on Jesus he was able to do the incredible, but once he stopped looking and trusting in Jesus he began to wobble and be unsure of himself. In our lives we need to fix our eyes on Jesus and choose to do great things for God too.
The children made hovercraft cds, prayed with their colourful prayer boxes, got fit with ‘Lifeguards’ sporting activities, sang and danced with the puppets, snacked with Big Hero 6, worshipped with the praise band and chatted and laughed the whole day long.
Every year there is a challenge for the Sunday Schools to bring something they have prepared. This year we decided to make a box and ask the children to decorate it with what God meant to them and inside place items that told or showed how God was in their lives.
The kids came up with inspirational ideas. Many told of all the incredible things we should know about God and inside, many of the boxes had the most heartfelt prayers. First prize went to Magheralin, second place Dromore Cathedral and Braniel Community Church took third place. Congratulations everyone!
DDYC absolutely love running this event each year for the children in our amazing Sunday Schools. Thank you to all of our many, many volunteers who work tirelessly with our children and give of their time and energy to give them ability to get to know our amazing God and Saviour.
With thanks to Julie Currie
See Julie’s photos here.