• 10 May 2016

Belvoir trio work with refugees in Eastern Europe

Three members of Belvoir Parish headed out to Serbia at the end of April to help OM with their ministry amongst refugees in the town of Sid, near the Serbia/Croatian border. 

However, just as the team of Carson Bell, David Maganda and Richard Rea (pictured left to right) were travelling out, OM took the decision to close down their border operations in Serbia. This is because the closing of borders by governments in the Balkan States, along with Turkey’s agreement to help stem the tide of people entering Europe through Turkey has resulted in refugees not being able to move across borders freely. In this changing situation, the team had to be reactive and open to God’s leading. They saw God’s hand at work and experienced the truth of Zechariah 4:6 – “Not by might, not by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord”. 

The first few days involved a lot of physical work as the team helped OM pack up their tent and kitchen equipment, and put things into storage. They were also able to travel to Belgrade on a number of occasions, to share practically God’s love to the many refugees stranded between countries. They had many meetings that they describe as “God encounters” where they met with individuals who were in very dire situations. 

One was a person who had been separated from his travelling companions, and they were able to help him with a train ticket to Hungary. Another Sudanese man from Khartoum who was living under a bridge, had no money, no food and no warm clothes in the driving rain, so they were able to assist. They were also able  to distribute clothing and supplies to another Refugee organisation working on the ground. 

The team’s visit visit happened to coincide with the Eastern Orthodox Easter celebrations, so the OM leader encouraged them to visit Bosnia. They spent the weekend in Sarajevo, visiting churches and celebrating Eastern Easter with their brothers and sisters there.  All had the opportunity to be involved in local services. Richard shared about their work with refugees, Carson prayed and ministered to people and David preached. All were overwhelmed by the welcome they received and the Church’s openness to visitors.   

Claudia from the OM team in Bosnia travelled back with them on Monday to Serbia, and they spent Tuesday getting alongside refugees stranded in the centre of Belgrade, before Carson and Richard returned to Ireland.

Carson said: “Throughout our time in the Balkans, we had such an overwhelming sense of God’s presence and Him being at work in many miraculous ways. It has challenged me afresh to be bold and courageous in sharing my faith – and allowing His Spirit to open up daily opportunities to share Him with others.”

David continues on in Serbia for another week when he and the OM team plan to distribute clothing and items that would be useful to the refugees who are living on the streets in Belgrade.    

Please pray for protection, wisdom and complete dependence on God; and that the team’s interactions with people will bear fruit and bring Glory to our loving heavenly Father!

With thanks to Gillian Maganda