• 06 May 2016

South Sudan’s Good Samaritans

Reaching out to people affected by HIV/AIDS has become a high priority for the Bible Society in South Sudan. Years of civil disruption have torn people away from their homes and from education, leaving many unaware of how HIV is contracted.

The government has been unable to provide any kind of response, leaving agencies like the Bible Society to tackle this growing problem. The situation is particularly challenging in Western Equatoria State, which borders other countries with a high prevalence rate of HIV/AIDS. It is here that the Bible Society recently ran a workshop aimed especially at reaching children and young people using materials from an HIV/AIDS awareness programme managed by the United Bible Societies HIV/AIDS Service. The programme is called, Where is the Good Samaritan Today?’

We assume that people today know about HIV/AIDS – how it is contracted, how to find help, how to avoid passing it on to someone else … Unfortunately this is not the case for many people. Children and young people are especially vulnerable, often seeing parents suffer and die without ever really understanding why. Cecilia Kaiwa Harun, is coordinating the Society’s Good Samaritan programme, working hard to educate and increase prevention.

Please pray

  • Give thanks that once again we see a Bible Society stepping into the gap and bringing truth and hope in Jesus’ name 

  • Pray that those on the courses will be well equipped to return to their own churches, families and communities to inform others. 

  • That stigma will be broken, people will find healing and hope in Christ. 

  • Pray that God will continue to use the Good Samaritan programme to change many lives.

Where is the Good Samaritan Today? workshop in Yambio earlier this year.