• 29 June 2016

New community allotment takes shape at Movilla Abbey Church

An exciting mission project has begun to take shape in the grounds of Movilla Abbey Church, Newtownards, with the creation of an allotment that will benefit the whole community.

The seed was planted in parishioner June Millar’s heart 5 years ago and has been brought to fruition by a small group – just 6 strong – with the encouragement and support of the church.

Lifegroup leader, Simon Hodge, explained: “As a group we were looking at mission and the idea for the allotment actually came out of a bit of banter about growing vegetables!

“Initially we thought that we could grow vegetables and give them away to people who need them. There are a number of foodbanks in Newtownards but none of them take fresh produce.

“But the more we thought about it the more we realised that this could be a real community thing.”

As Movilla is a joint Church of Ireland and Methodist Church, Simon brought the vision to both ministers and both congregations who have come behind the project with finance, the offer of the church grounds and practical help.

“We’ve had endless people offer us greenhouses, cash, gardens and time”, said Simon, “and we couldn’t have got as far as we have without our Scouts who did a brilliant job on Saturday.”

The team has put in raised beds of various heights to accommodate everyone, including those who might get down but have trouble getting up!

“Our plan is to work all the way down to the bottom fence,” says Simon. That’s our vision. We want this to be big. After all, God’s given us all this land.”

And the ideas keep coming… “We got the soil from a new development up the road and we’re thinking of doing welcome packs to the new homes when they open that could include some of the produce as well as information about the church.”

Rector, Revd Alan Peek, said: “I’m delighted how the vision has been birthed but also how it’s been owned and brought forward by so many people. It’s not just one person. Everything’s coming together at the right time and the right place. There’s a real sense of God’s timing.

“This is about Movilla Abbey Church doing mission together – Church of Ireland and Methodists and also the wider church community in terms of the Scouts and the things that go on around the edge of our church. It’s about community.”

Revd Michael Spence, Methodist Minster at Movilla Abbey said: “We’re so excited by what’s happening at the allotment. It’s one very visible expression of the new things that God is doing among us right now at Movilla Abbey Church. 

“For some time we’ve been encouraging our members to form into Life Groups to pray together, eat together, apply God’s word to our lives together, and to serve the local community together. The allotment has grown out of that very simple vision. There are green shoots all around – metaphorically and now literally as well.”

Beyond the church, nearby householders have been invited to join in and news of the project has been shared with community representatives in the Bowtown Estate.

“My vision 5 years ago was exactly what we’re doing here, said June Millar. “It’s a way of drawing alongside people and building a relationship of trust with them.”

And it’s already happening. Already people want to join in, including some that would never attend a church service.  

June’s hope is that as people become involved they would see the church in a different light – “That we’re a people who actually do care and want to love them and help them in any way we can.”

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