• 08 July 2016

Braniel and Gilnahirk churches join forces for Streetreach

Painting fences, tidying gardens, picking up litter…

This summer, young people from 5 local churches in Braniel and Gilnahirk joined forces to do Streetreach. Between 30 June and 3 July the young people got to meet and make new friends, work together in garden projects and to practically put their faith in action. 

On the last day there was a BBQ celebration in the local community centre when 70 people from local churches and the community came along to hear what the young people had been up to. 

Susan McFarland, leader of Braniel Community Church, said:

“It was so good to be able to partner with other churches in this initiative and for our young people to work together. The young people caught the vision behind Streetreach and despite the weather not been to kind to us, they put on a smile and worked hard. The feedback from young people, parents and the community have been very positive.”