Bishop Harold invites us to learn together from the Word of God
Bishop Harold invites you to the diocese’s annual Bible Week from 30 August–2 September at 7.45 pm in Willowfield Church, Belfast. He writes:
Many of you have told me how much you appreciate this opportunity to learn together from the Word of God and I invite you to once more prioritise these four evenings of worship and teaching.
In welcoming Revd Dr Iain Provan this year we are blessed with, not only a distinguished academic and author, but a superb Bible teacher.
I met Iain (pictured above) for the first time when I was speaking at New Horizon in 2015 and he was one of the other speakers. I was deeply impressed by him as a person and I was also struck by the freshness with which he spoke about the Old Testament.
Iain is able to integrate some of the basic themes of the Christian faith to show that the Old Testament does not present a different God but the same God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. He links themes through the scriptures to help us see what some of the perhaps more difficult texts actually say about the nature and the work of God.
I am very much looking forward to hearing Iain unpack “The Big Picture: Reading the Bible for All That’s There”, as he helps us to understand more fully that the whole of God’s word is “one Great Story in which we are supposed to live our lives.”
I look forward to seeing you in Willowfield from 30 August.
HaroldDown & Dromore
Tuesday 30 August – In the Beginning and Now: God Creates (Psalm 104:24–35)
Wednesday 31 August – Of Covenants and Promises: God Commits (2 Samuel 7:4–16)
Thursday 1 September – Of Evil and Suffering: God Saves (Psalm 73:1–14)
Friday 2 September – A Holy People: God Calls (Isaiah 42:1–9)