Creation Time 2016 – Followers of Jesus, Caring for Creation
Churches in Ireland will join Christians throughout the world in celebrating Creation Time from 1 September until the Feast of St Francis on 4 October 2016.
Creation Time is an opportunity for Christians of all traditions to reflect on the wonder and mystery of God’s Creation and to choose better ways to relate to the living earth, ways that reflect God’s ways of justice and peace.
Creation Time is promoted by Eco–Congregation Ireland (ECI) – an inter–church project that encourages churches to take an environmental approach to worship, lifestyle, property and finance management, children’s and youth work, community outreach and contact with the developing world.
Worship material for Creation Time 2016 comes from an ecumenical writing group, with contributors from the Church of Scotland, the Scottish Episcopal Church and the United Reformed Church. This year’s material follows the theme,
‘Followers of Jesus, Caring for Creation’
, emphasising the readings from the Gospel of Luke which appear in the Revised Common Lectionary in September.
These resources are available on the Eco–Congregation Scotland website here.
For further information see