USPG takes a fresh look at its work in Ireland and around the world
The oldest Anglican mission agency on these islands is taking new steps forward in Ireland as the name of USPG returns in a new format.
For over 300 years, the USPG family of mission societies has been sharing God’s love through practical action, and seeing lives transformed, working hand–in–hand with the culture and context of Church partners around the world.
At its annual conference this year, USPG agreed to a new emphasis on its historic branding and well–known initials. USPG now stands for United Society Partners in the Gospel. The new emphasis reflects USPG’s commitment to working in partnership with the Anglican Churches on these islands and Churches throughout the world.
With an enhanced Church of Ireland presence on the Trustees and the Council of USPG, USPG Ireland is reshaping its work in Ireland to build on these new opportunities.
“This is an exciting new phase for USPG in Ireland,” said the Chair of USPG Ireland, the Right Revd John McDowell, Bishop of Clogher. “For over 300 years we have been sharing God’s love through practical action, and seeing lives transformed. Now USPG is taking a fresh look at its work and we are looking to new opportunities to develop these commitments.”
The work of USPG Ireland and USPG Northern Ireland is being integrated into the main work of USPG, and Bishop McDowell said this promises to deliver wider engagement in mission for partner dioceses and parishes in the Church of Ireland.
“Our programmes make a deep impact because they are run by local churches that are embedded in the communities they serve – communities that have often been overlooked,” he said.
Bishop McDowell paid warm tributes to Linda Chambers whose work with the society is coming to an end after working with USPG Ireland since 2001.
“Linda has brought the work of USPG to every diocese in the Church of Ireland. She was frequently accompanied by her husband Jan, who shared her total commitment to the society’s work,” he said. “We wish to thank her especially for her pioneering work with the Anglican Church in Swaziland, the al–Ahli Hospital in Gaza, in India with the Dublin University Mission to Chota Nagpur, and in Zambia.”
Bishop McDowell also thanked the former board members of USPG Ireland and USPG Northern Ireland.
USPG was recently named by the Diocese of Europe as the mission agency to support its work with refugees in Greece and southern Europe. Meanwhile, USPG is producing new Harvest, Advent and Lenten resources, including a study guide on discipleship, entitled ‘Living an authentic life’.
As USPG restructures in Ireland, these resources are being made available to dioceses and parishes throughout the Church of Ireland.