• 30 September 2016

Institution at St Mark’s Dundela

Welcome to the Revd Helene Steed whom Bishop Harold has instituted as rector of Dundela. The service took place in St Mark’s on Friday 30 September and the preacher was a former rector, the Rt Revd John McDowell, Bishop of Clogher (pictured right).

Helene is Swedish by birth and trained and began her ministry there. She arrived in the Diocese of Cork in 2004 and in 2008 moved to Clogher Diocese where she served as rector of Clones, Kileevan, Currin and Newbliss. She was appointed Archdeacon of Clogher in 2014.

View a photo gallery here.

A word from Helene 

In a few lines, I write to say how much the three of us, Grace, Christopher and myself, are looking forward to be part of the ‘St Mark’s family’. Ministry and serving God, has taken us to different places and situations over the last 21 years since I was ordained and it is with anticipation and joy we now have moved to St Mark’s and Belfast.

We came to Ireland in 2004, leaving Sweden and nine years of parish ministry behind us. We spent our first few years on this island in Cork City and St Fin Barre’s Cathedral. We enjoyed the beauty of William Burges’ architecture and cathedral worship. In Cork, our children were born. William, our first born, was born in 2004.Our son was extremely premature and lived for nine weeks. His death left an empty space in our hearts and family. Eighteen months later, Grace arrived. She brought life and hope and many smiles, and indeed continues to do so. We are proud of both our children and feel privileged to be their parents.

In 2008 we moved north, to Co. Monaghan and the Diocese of Clogher. Our years in Clones have been happy, busy and full of challenges. To live and serve in cross–border parishes have been very rewarding. During my latter years in Clogher, I was appointed Archdeacon, which further involved me in the life of the diocese as well as giving me additional experience of leadership and ministry.

As a family, we are avid readers; we enjoy hill walking and the freedom of touring in our caravan. Our home has had and always will have, an open door. Welcome.

Now a new chapter opens in our lives, and as those pages begin to be formulated, we are guided by this prayer:

O God, without you we are not able to please you; Mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

(Collect ii, The Nineteenth Sunday after Trinity)

I look forward very much to getting to know you all.

Rector’s Churchwarden, Brian Kennedy, Revd Steed and People’s Churchwarden, Maurice Frew