• 02 September 2016

Kerygma Choir at Bible Week tonight

We’re looking forward to having the Kerygma Good News Choir with us this evening in Willowfield Church. They will greatly add to our worship, singing twice during the programme. 

The cross–community choir, which was formed for the Year of Mission by Musical Director Lorna Palmer and at the request of Bishop Harold, set out on a new course in March of this year. 

Lorna remains as Musical Director whilst Bishop Harold and the Bishop of Dromore, the Most Revd John McAreavey are Patrons. As part of the determination to remain mission–focused, Revd Adrian Dorrian, Associate Minister in LAMP, is Choir Chaplain.

Kerygma plan to stage one major concert per year in addition to appearances such as tonight’s. 

You can see footage of the choir singing at last year’s Bible Week on their YouTube Channel here.