A Synod postscript from Bishop Ken
“If a movement is to stay a movement it has to keep moving!”
A great world–changing movement started 2000 years ago through the life death and resurrection of a carpenter from Nazareth. The Movement is called the Church of Jesus Christ!
Our Diocesan Synod 2016 is evidence that this movement of the Holy Spirit continues. There are signs of life and evidence of growth. There is faithful steady ministry, sometimes behind the scenes, sometimes setting the scenes. Our Bishop has given imaginative, creative and visionary leadership during his 20 years as Bishop of Down and Dromore.
From the statistics we heard in his Presidential address to the stories shared with us in the “Conversation on the Work of God” it is quite clear that God is at work. As Bishop Dan Herzog reminded us in his sermon at Holy Communion, “Seed thoughts have been turned to burning desire.” The burning desire has been turned into action and deeds of kindness.
Of course there are difficulties and problems. Welcome to the Church! This is normal Christianity…blessings and battles….battles and blessings! Life has never been easy for the people of God.
Recently I read of the famous evangelist Smith Wigglesworth. He went through some very hard and stretching times. He wrote, ‘Great faith is a product of great fights. Great testimonies are the outcome of great tests. Great triumphs can only come out of great trials.’
The Church was born in a culture of change and conflict, a culture of power and pride, a culture of religion and politics. Such a culture is not only ancient but strangely contemporary. As we were reminded at Synod, the Church is still the object of persecution.
However our Synod was timely evidence that His Movement continues in this Diocese and around the world. There is momentum and thank God this Christ–inspired missional movement is still moving!
In the words of Psalm 118 verse 23: “This is the LORD’s doing; it is marvellous in our eyes.”
Bishop Ken
Read the Diocesan Synod report with photo gallery here.